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Becky Hernandez - The Misfit Yogi

Full Moon in Capricorn Oracle Card Reading


Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul retrieval.

You are being called to protect your energy and call back your power! May all the lost pieces return home now. Take a look at who and what drains your energy. Do not keep you tabs open. Shut down energetically each night.

Energetic cords are formed between people places objects and events so its important to keep checking in. Your energy and energetic space are sacred so treat them as such.

Keeping your energy clear takes work. As we go through life we can give away our power so it is important that we call it back by cutting energetic cords or doing a form of healing such as soul retrieval.

Warrior Woman:

Have you answered your deepest calling

You are here for a reason. You are being called to bravely pave a path. Have you answered your highest and deepest calling? Living a heart and soul led life is not all fluffy and smooth sailing. Living a heart and soul led life requires courage to triumph over fear.

So often our fears are the gatekeepers to our greatest gifts and the more resistance we have toward answering a call the more important it is to our souls growth. Sometimes fear is an indication that we are facing the right way.

Think of your fears as opportunities to expand rather than things that are holding you hostage. If you look at your fears in this light then, as uncomfortable as it might feel, its actually a sign that you are on the right track.

Sisterhood of the Rose:

Beauty and devotion. Priestess. Mystic. Teacher

The sisterhood of the rose is a lineage of priestesses and mystics who devoted their lives to serving humanity and seeding light consciousness all over the earth. A cross section of ancient lineages, it is the path of devotion and beauty.

Walking this path means being devoted to seeing and creating beauty wherever you go. The rose symbolizes the heart and the sacred geometry of all life. You are being called to notice the beauty around you.

You are being called to spend more time in nature.

You are being called to take a little more time to both notice the beauty that exists all around you and contribute to the beauty of the world in your own way too. This could be through your own creations or in the little things like how you dress, to picking flowers.

Every time you devote your time to beauty, you harmonize the planet more and the shift in vibration can be felt."

From Work Your Light - Oracle Cards, Author - Rebecca Campbell

Much love and light...


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