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"Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover

the infinite power of our light"

- Brene Brown

Becky Hernandez is an Intuitive Energy Healer, Spiritual Counselor Teacher & Mentor
I use my gifts & experience to help you open and heal whatever is best for your highest good.
I help guide people back to their purpose, their true nature & their highest selves.
My session experiences are safe, intimate, and loving. They are guided by only light to help you release blocks and other low vibrational energies that are causing emotional, physical or mental discomfort. 
After the session, most people feel clear, open, free and relaxed. However, everyone is different and this experience is very unique to each individual. There are no words to authentically describe what this experience will feel like for you or what it will open and release. Please see my testimonials page. :)
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This intuitive healing session may include many different healing & spiritual modalities such as: 
Reiki, Chakra Reading, Energy healing, Energy clearing, Chakra balancing, Guided meditation, Crystal work, Spiritual coaching/guidance, and Intuitive Energy reading.
I work with your guides, higher self and other high vibrational beings to help release anything that is holding you back or causing uncertainty/confusion. See more.. 
Every session includes guidance, healing & a reading of your energy. 
The intention is to help guide you back to your true self to allow for more personal freedom, empowerment and clarity.
Couples Sessions (on approval basis only - email me)
Deep Healing - Chakra - Package (In person or online)
This consists of 7 deep healing sessions. Each session will focus on just one of the main energy centers. It will include Reiki and other energy healing techniques on the chakra for that week, a reading on that chakra and anything else that comes up in relation to healing and that chakra. As well as suggestions, guidance and meditation for each. As well as continued support from me throughout your week. This is for people dealing with deep trauma, or other majorly blocked issues. These are in-person 1 1/2 hour sessions, every week for 7 weeks. 


Intuitive & Spiritual Counsel & Coaching

This is an in person or phone/online session for spiritual counsel, intuitive coaching & guidance on love, relationships, or anything in relation to your personal life & spiritual path or anything else you need guidance on. This can be purchased by the session or in a package. 
Package: These sessions are one on one and can include anything pertaining to love, life, work, spirituality or if you are going through a hard time and just need some direction and guidance. Some clients re-book these every 4 weeks, similar to therapy. We will talk through skype every week for 50 minutes. It will also include one homework and review if desired.
I work all over the world and location is not a factor what so ever.
This is a very powerful experience and a convenient way to get the healing you need without leaving your home. It can be very powerful. A space clearing option is also available. Works the same accept the intention is on your space/home. 
All distance healing sessions include clearing negative energy, balancing chakras, unblocking or removing cords, or anything else I am drawn to work on energetically.  I then send you an intuitive recorded reading of anything I saw, felt and heard in your session as well as send you a one card oracle card reading.  There is also an option to add phone time, conversation for mentoring, questions and/or coaching. 
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These multi-dimensional imagery meditations and journey sessions can consist of many different travels. 
Meet your guides, angels, spirit guides, see the future, journey to past lives while I guide and support you. These journeys are very interactive, safe, intimate and can help you to get to your core issues and clear what no longer serves you. You will receive powerful messages that pertain to your life now. These sessions can help you to feel connected to your true self, the universe and all the light that is available to you and that is helping to guide you every day. 
This is not like any other meditation. It's a journey to the soul and gateway to your spirit. At the end, I will intuitively interpret your journey.
Past life meditation therapy is a type of healing to help you actively see old patterns in order to release fears or blocks from your past. My sessions are not designed to relive old wounds. It is to observe old patterns that are holding you back from living your highest and most powerful self! 
The belief is that everything our soul encounters or holds onto from previous lives can affect our current lives. Accessing past lives is an easy and direct way to access these issues and move through them in order to release them. 

I guide you with light in a safe and intimate environment to a previous life you once lived. I then work with you to see the patterns, and themes throughout.
I also channel Reiki to open up your energy centers before we begin as well as offer the option to add a healing after your past life to help ease and balance..
For more information click here. 

For information on Reiki, IET and energy therapies click here!

Please book sessions by clicking the "book online" tab above.

Click here to see "testimonials" or contact me with questions.

IMPORTANT ----- Before booking a session, please read my Legal disclaimer & terms of service page

© Misfit Yogi

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