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Intuitive, Mediumship & Psychic Development Courses & Workshops

Intuitive, Psychic & Mediumship Classes:

Here is a brief overview of what may be included. You can pick various topics listed below and it will also be intuitively outlined for you. 

This is an introductory class for ANY type of beginning level. (can continue training if desired per 2 hour classes),

Each class is designed to each individual's energy, experience and desires. 

  • Patient and kind one on one guided training on opening and using your intuition & intuitive gifts

  • Interactive guided journey meditation or instruction to meet your guides, spirit helpers and/or angels (depending on level of experience)

  • Guidance on how to listen to your intuition

  • Discussion, instruction and practice with various intuitive/psychic tools such as oracle cards, dowsing, psychometry etc

  • Discussion, instruction and practice with your intuitive sight or the "Clars" - Clairvoyant, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychometry and others

  • Discussion, instruction and practice time with the teacher on intuitive/psychic channeling (if desired)

  • Discussion, instruction on channeling with your guides for yourself & others (if desired) 

  • Discussion, instruction and practice time with the teacher on intuitive/psychic communication for others (if desired)

  • Guidance and teachings on clearing energy 

  • Guidance and teachings on the psychic protection

  • Guidance and teachings on connecting to others energy and ways to connect 

  • Introduction to and practice with spirit communication (people that have passed, spirit babies, other types of spirits - if desired)

  • Medical Intuition discussion & practice (if desired)

  • Introduction, Discussion and practice with Automatic writing / channeling through writing (if desired)

  • Instruction Psychic Readings introduction, discussion and various ways to read) (if desired)

  • Guidance and teachings on what it takes to read, channel and be within the intuitive healing & psychic world 

  • Intuitive reading of the teacher & others, With teachers loving guidance and support

  • Teachings on confirmations, and how to verify spirit, angelic guides information 

  • Various other options of intuitive communication and psychic tools (to be planned out with the teacher).

  • Book, Handouts, and/or videos to help continue your practice as well as tools


- INTUITIVE, PSYCHIC & MEDIUMSHIP - Intensive Master Program - 15 Hour training (this is an intense but powerful training - you will not be the same afterwards. This is recommended if planning on working really going above and beyond connecting with your abilities and/or planning on working as an Intuitive/Psychic/Medium in their business. Part of what it includes:

  • Deep, hands on training of any and all psychic or mediumship desires or practice

  • Continuation of one on one personal mentoring and follow up

  • Focus on one or more of the above items such as card readings, psychometry, spirit communication, intuitive readings etc

  • Homework and continued study after class 

  • Protocol for intuitive & medium readings

  • Step by step guide book

  • How to get confirmations and proof from spirit

  • Building your self-confidence 

  • Learning and practice on how to quite the ego

  • Learning the flow of intuitive & medium readings. 

  • Teachers one on one practice and training supervision

  • Building on your gifts

  • Practice Readings

  • Building your business

  • Step by step review of each reading. Your strengths, things to focus on, and how to apply these methods.

  • Certificate after completion of the Master Program - see below (after at least 15 hours of training/study)

  • Initial Class is 5 to 6 hours and can be done in person or through Skype. Times can be broken up depending on needs.

  • Each additional class is in 2 hours increments every week. With practice & study homework, and teacher review in between.

  • Each training is tailored to your goals and guidance from the teacher.

Prices & Times for all Intuitive Courses:

  • Initial Intuitive/Mediumship/Psychic Class: initial 4-5 hour one on one class including one homework and homework review)

  • Mentoring & Continued study:  (discounted price for previous students for class, practice, mentoring or more specific study)

  • Master Program:   (includes discount) total 12 hour one on one trainings - plus at least 3 hours of practice and weekly homework, daily reviews, check-ins and questions. This is a total of 15 hours or more. This is the certificate program. It is generally a 4-6 week training depending on your schedule. $1,299 (including initial class) Please email me prior to booking online - must be approved. 

© Misfit Yogi

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