Reiki practitioners and other energy healers work a lot (if not completely) with the subtle body – and within this subtle body are the Chakras (‘wheels of energy’). They are not only connected to a person’s spiritual and/or emotional health but their physical health as well.
Learning about and working with Chakras can be very useful to both practitioner and client. It helps the practitioner connect more deeply with the clients being, and very helpful to the client to continue any healing work they may have to do (psychological, physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual). There are several ways the client can continue working with the chakras once they leave. I feel it is vital for all sides.
As far as working with clients, I have worked with many clients, where I will see or feel a color connected to an ailment. For instance, I will see “red” in their knee and I will hear or feel “fear”. This is connected to their root chakra. I will then not only work on the knee but that chakra as well.
It is a very powerful way to work with not only the subtle body but the physical body as well.
You don’t have to see the chakras in order to work with them, however; just as Reiki flows to places we can’t see, it’s no matter. This practice works with in person clients as well as distance healing clients.
Here are the locations and some basic feelings and imbalances associated with each chakra . These are the ones I am most connected with, however there are many ways to work with them as well as books and articles about their various meanings. However, I suggest not making it too complicated, and just allowing yourself to connect to these centers and see what you feel!
Root Chakra
Location: Base of the spine/genitals (also affects the legs, knees, and feet)
Color: Red
Some of the common feelings and signs of an imbalanced Root Chakra:
Feeling ungrounded or unsettled (whirly)
Lower back pain
Overwhelmed by Fear
Feeling unsupported in life
Living in the past
Lack of direction
Aggressive behavior
Recklessness and carelessness
Shame and guilt
Sacral Chakra
Location: Below naval/reproductive area (sometimes affects the hips)
Color: Orange
Some of the common feelings and signs of an imbalanced Sacral Chakra:
Unable to “go with the flow”
Feeling unworthy/worthless; not good enough/not enough
Hormone imbalance
Mood swings
Cold and distant behavior; extreme detachment from others
Lack of focus on what one wants in life
Lack of desire; apathy
Lack of creativity
Sexual repression or overly sexual
Overly needy; clingy
Lack of confidence in relationships
Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: Above naval/below ribs (also affects the whole stomach area)
Color: Yellow
Some of the common symptoms/signs of an imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra:
Low self-esteem
Lack of personal power/strength
Inability to set or maintain boundaries
Lack of self-control
Depression or anxiety
Stomach issues
Difficulty gaining or losing weight
Heart Chakra
Location: Center of chest (effects breast area and arms as well)
Color: Green or Pink
Some of the common feelings and signs of an imbalanced Heart Chakra:
Childhood trauma
over-loving to the point of suffocation
Throat Chakra:
Location: Center of throat (also affects the face, jaw, teeth & neck)
Color: Blue
Some of the common feelings/signs of an imbalanced Throat Chakra:
fear of speaking or not speaking up for yourself
Inability to express or be in your authentic self
Inability to express thoughts
inconsistency in speech and actions
social anxiety
Third Eye Chakra
Location: Center of eyebrows (effects upper and around the head as well)
Color: Violet or Indigo
Some of the common feelings and signs of an imbalanced Third Eye Chakra:
issues with self-reflection;
An inability to look at one’s own fears
Inability to have an open mind
Day-dream often and live in a world with exaggerated imagination.
Lack of connection to intuitive knowing
Crown Chakra
Location: Top of the head
Color: White
Some of the common symptoms/signs of a blocked and an imbalanced Crown Chakra:
lack of spiritual & divine connection
sleep disturbances or nightmares,
memory disorders
neglecting physical needs, over imaginative
mental confusion
disconnection from earthly matters
When you start implementing the connection to the chakras, it may be hard at first to “see” the colors.
You may just feel drawn to certain areas of the body where the chakras are most powerful (as listed above). Just use your intuition to guide you. As you practice, the connection to these energy centers will become more powerful and as everything, your connection to them will evolve. I promise!
Let me know how it goes!
Namaste! (Published on Mind Body Green, Reiki Rays & Energy Therapy)